Labour Party vows to restructure Abia state; frowns at the neglect of the work force and closure of institutions

“Labour is the engine wheel that has kept Abia in existence, to watch that state destroyed by individuals I will considered ‘unfortunate political lackeys’, will be a grave error if we do not take decisive actions when it is paramount.”

By Eric Egwu Mba

As arrangement towards the 2023 electoral year gains momentum, Labour Party, Abia state chapter has reiterated its commitment to end the ongoing humiliation and abandonment of the work force in Abia state, from state institutions to private establishments, artisans and students.

In a statement issued by the Publicity Secretary, Labour Party Abia State, Comrade Njoku SaintJerry Ajike, “Labour is the engine wheel that has kept Abia in existence, to watch that state destroyed by individuals I will consider ‘unfortunate political lackeys’, will be a grave error if we do not take decisive actions when it is paramount. I mean even if you were ‘appointed’ or ‘anointed’ to hold forte for a particular set of individuals or group, common sense demands that you should be able to spot the stark difference between black and white.”

As at today about 3 academic institutions has been shut down and their license withheld by the Federal Government as a result of negligence and administrative incompetence by the government of Okezie Ikpeazu in Abia State and his sponsors – This is not acceptable and should be condemned by every rational human being in the Southeast.”

I can’t imagine holding the workers in the state to ransom to the point that an entire public institution as remarkably useful as the Abia State Teaching University Hospital (ABSUTH) is abandoned to rot away both in infrastructure and its workforce, neglecting the workers and owing them over 30 months’ salary while the government and its circle of political elites live in pomp and luxury and shuttling overseas on every flimsy excuses.

As at today about 3 academic institutions has been shut down and their license withheld by the Federal Government as a result of negligence and administrative incompetence by the government of Okezie Ikpeazu in Abia State and his sponsors – This is not acceptable and should be condemned by every rational human being in the Southeast.”

The Okezie Ikpeazu led government had in previous media stunts attributed the public outcry of workers in the state to the work of oppositions, now that major public institutions, most worrisome, academic institutions has remained shut to the point of being delisted and licenses withdrawn abysmally adding to the loss of revenue to the state and increasing the lack of access to quality healthcare and education by the people that the government claimed it is enjoying their support, taking the state further down the ranking of developmental index, Now I ask, is that still the work of opposition.”

“the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has been in the leadership saddle of the state for virtually all the political dispensation of the state and still confident to replicate their shameful failures by the audacity of the government of Okezie Ikpeazu to appoint another academia, a purported lackey like himself, in the person of Prof Ikonne Uche, in the same manner he was appointed by the TA. Orji dynasty and their lineage of political godfathers despising the electoral choices of the people of Abia state

“This is what Labour Party do not wish to continue to tolerate because Abia state, as one of the frontline South East state was built on commerce and industry, the hall mark of labour, therefore it will be an aberration to sit and watch Abia continue to descend this low while we fold our hands analyzing and jive talking from the comforts of our individual corners. Said Mr. Njoku.

“People in authority cannot continue to neglect the teachers, the health workers, the students, the artisans, traders and the environment in which commerce and trade should thrive and expect the people to continue to clap and celebrate them”

Speaking on the power of incumbency, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has been in the leadership saddle of the state for virtually all the political dispensation of the state and still confident to replicate their purported failures by the audacity of the government of Ikpeazu to appoint another academia, a purported lackey in the person of Prof Ikonne Uche like himself, in the same manner he was appointed by the TA. Orji dynasty and their lineage of political godfathers despising the electoral choices of the people of Abia state despite the public outcry of crass leadership failures and negligence,

“Alex Otti has remained the man Almighty God and the people had selected long time for the great task of rebuilding this state to its lost glory as evidenced in his constant electoral victories which has remained a subject of manipulations and the people holding this state hostage knows that which has necessitated the constant fear, jittery and manipulations by the acclaimed godfathers of this fiefdom.”

“Labour Party is Abia people’s party because this God’s own state of Abia is built by the Labour of the ordinary people, the artisans and SME entrepreneurs.” This is the center of industry in the South East, the workers and the artisans own this state and still retain the force not to mess with, perhaps they have forgotten and now we are here to remind them. The politicians may have underscored that, but not anymore.” Said Comrade Njoku.

We have not forgotten the famous “Aba made” which is still in existence despite the media hype of non-existent infrastructures to support business here yet the people of Enyimba city (Aba) has remain resilient and resolute in all their efforts to survive the harsh realities influenced by those in authorities who should know better but chose to play the politics of misery and poverty. They chose to impoverish the workforce so that it is easier to divide the ranks and use the people for all the negative causes.”

“This is what Labour Party do not wish to continue to tolerate because Abia state, as one of the frontline South East state was built on commerce and industry, the hall mark of labour, therefore it will be an aberration to sit and watch Abia continue to descend this low”

According to Njoku Saintjerry Ajike, “it is not campaign season yet but at the right time we shall unveil a working template of the new Abia of everyone dream’ designed by our Principal Dr. Alex Otti, the incoming governor of Abia State by the grace of God and by people’s choice, in company of stakeholders cut across divers investors category in education and agriculture, financiers and foreign partners that considers Abia an eastern prime spot for economic development of the South East region.
Alex Otti has remained the man Almighty God and the people had selected long time for the great task of rebuilding this state to its lost glory as evidenced in his constant electoral victories which has remained a subject of manipulations and the people holding this state hostage knows that which has necessitated the constant fear, jittery and manipulations by the acclaimed godfathers of this fiefdom.
He has remained consistent in this pursuit and by aligning forces with those of us in the Labour is nothing but a confirmation that is divine because Abia is reckoned as “God’s own state’ and I want to believe and very certain that those who named Lagos as “Center of Excellence” and named Abia as “God’s own state’ are not mistaken.” This is the time for God’s own people and in due time we shall map out plans on how to completely overhaul the entire system that has brought this God’s own state to its knees in shame. said Mr. Njoku

“Appointing someone based on your sole selfish political interests and positioning them in divers’ parties probably to cover up for your criminal negligence of governance should be treated as a criminal case of fraud and Abia people are wiser.” Said Njoku.

“People in authority cannot continue to neglect the teachers, the health workers, the students, the artisans, traders and the environment in which commerce and trade should thrive and expect the people to continue to clap and celebrate them, that is not acceptable therefore I am using this medium to encourage every indigen of Abia state to rise up and do what is necessary to take their homeland back from stooges and lackeys that will never, ever think of the people but to do the bidding of those who anointed them and places them in positions of leadership for selfish and wicked interests.” Worse still, appointing someone based on your sole selfish political interests and positioning them in divers parties probably to cover your criminal negligence of governance should be treated as criminal case of fraud and Abia people are wiser. Said Njoku SaintJerry.

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