The Legacy of Northern Leaders to Nigeria;

An Opinion

“Northern leaders are either wicked or visionless or both as the writer of this piece amidst suppressed emotions struggles to balance the participation of both North and Southern Nigeria leaders in the present predicament Nigeria has found itself

Tope Fasua write;
I am livid with rage writing this. I had started drafting and then deleted to do more research. I have toned down the language of this one, so you can imagine what I first wrote. Northern leaders – in every ramification – are a monumental disappointment and a great part of Nigeria’s problems. Yes, they are not everything. Everyone has faults, but Northern leaders – religious, political and others – wow! What a legacy of wickedness and disappointment. You see, it is beyond frustrating for those of us who defend the entity called Nigeria. None of the secessionists should celebrate yet though, because I believe if we were more intelligent, we will bring everyone to heal and see Nigeria make progress. Breaking her up is not necessarily a solution – if it was easily possible (which is not the case).

First, let me say Nigeria herself is a bag of paradoxes. Those who say they love her, despise her. Those who say they hate her are madly in love with her. Go figure.

“And this is the legacy that northern leaders are donating to the south – poor youths whose futures were deliberately truncated with the almajirai system! No other muslim country practices such despicable business.

Northern Nigeria Almajiri kids queue up for foods

I was in Lagos last week and the numbers of okada riders from the north, from up to Chad and Niger could be in the millions. These guys use passengers to learn riding. They have no value for their own lives so to hell with any unfortunate rider. Many have died.

And this is the legacy that northern leaders are donating to the south – poor youths whose futures were deliberately truncated with the almajirai system! No other muslim country practices such despicable business. And please look at the Olympics… many fully muslim countries are there, excelling in every sport.
I think the northern elites took their eyes off development contrary to the expectations of Ahmadu Bello and Tafawa Balewa, and have only been concerned with grabbing resources from the centre, feathering their own nests, and financing only things that promote the status quo – a status of mediocrity, underachievement and backwardness. I ask those ones who are governors; why did you contest when you know you had no solutions to these problems?For fame? Power? Money? Healthcare? Pension? Bribes? For what exactly?

It is just so very annoying and unacceptable. Enough already!  This country must make progress. Young northerners should note that their elites are really deliberately depriving them and selling them ruses. Their colleagues all over the world have since passed them by. Anchoring the raw energy of the youths, through sports should not be rocket science. This can only be a mixture of wickedness and acute myopia.  This is how the north has landed Nigeria in bigger trouble than we deserve.

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